Recenzie: Paul Hoffman-The last four things (volumul 2 din seria Mâna stângă a lui Dumnezeu)

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“The heart of a man is a small thing but it desires great matters. It is not big enough for a dog’s dinner but the whole world is not big enough for it. Man spares nothing that lives; he kills to feed himself, he kills to clothe himself, he kills to adorn himself, he kills to attack, he kills to defend himself, he kills to instruct himself, he kills to amuse himself, he kills for the sake of killing. From the lamb he tears its guts and makes his harp resound; from the wolf his most deadly tooth to polish his pretty works of art; from the elephant his tusks to make a toy for his child.(...)And who will exterminate him who exterminates all others?”

The epic story of Thomas Cale-introduced so memorably in "The Left Hand of God"--continues as the Redeemers use his prodigious gifts to further their sacred goal: the extinction of humankind and the end of the world. 
To the warrior-monks known as the Redeemers, who rule over massive armies of child slaves, "the last four things" represent the culmination of a faithful life. Death. Judgement. Heaven. Hell. The last four things represent eternal bliss-or endless destruction, permanent chaos, and infinite pain. 
Perhaps nowhere are the competing ideas of heaven and hell exhibited more clearly than in the dark and tormented soul of Thomas Cale. Betrayed by his beloved but still marked by a child's innocence, possessed of a remarkable aptitude for violence but capable of extreme tenderness, Cale will lead the Redeemers into a battle for nothing less than the fate of the human race. 
And though his broken heart foretells the bloody trail he will leave in pursuit of a personal peace he can never achieve, a glimmer of hope remains. The question even Cale can't answer: When it comes time to decide the fate of the world, to ensure the extermination of humankind or spare it, what will he choose? To express God's will on the edge of his sword, or to forgive his fellow man-and himself? 

În mod sigur dacă va plăcut prima carte a seriei o să vă placă şi cea de-a doua, pentru că autorul păstrează acelaşi stil, Cale se confruntă cu aceleaşi probleme şi cea mai mare Izbăvitorii.
Cum naraţiunea este la persoana a treia, misterul din spatele lui Thomas Cale este şi mai profund. Dacă în prima carte întalnim un baiat uşor închis în sine care nu vorbeşte prea mult şi care preferă să faca lucrurile în situl propriu, în The last four things, baiatul se maturizează şi seamană din ce în ce mai mult cu un bărbat.
Planurile pe care stăpanul lui Cale, Redemeer Bosco, le iniţiază îl au în prim plan pe baiatul în a cărui maini stă lumea.



Hi, I'm Biliana, the author of Wanderlust blog.Passionate about books,filmmaking and literature,I created this blog to share with you my favourite books, quotes and channels.Enjoy.

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